NEW (go back »)

February 5 2008, 8:02 PM

Obviously, I'm new here. I'm up to being friends with just about anyone! If you'd like to be friends go ahead and request. My name is Alexandria obviously. I live in Tennessee. Yes, it is boring, and no I don't talk like a hick. :) Well yeah, I'm a little obsessed with Thom Yorke from Radiohead, but I mean who isn't? I know quite a bit about html, but not enough to be a y'know wiz. I learn everyday. Makign layouts has become boring to me, so I really like to play around on PS and PSP. Anyway I'm a really nice person. I like meeting new people and so on.

Well, you can look at my journal on:

And check out my music taste on:

:) Enjoy.


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commenting my own.

Posted by SkipDivided on Feb 5, 08 8:05 pm

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